Page name: Black Horse Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-05-01 12:46:00
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"Beauty In Black"

Here are the winners of Black Horse Contest!

1st Place: [Forever Equine] - "Looking Through"


2nd Place: [Artsieladie] - "Nightstar"


3rd Place: [inte här] - "Ceasar 1820"


Thank you everyone for participating!

2463) Poll is closed! Thank you for voting!

Who do you think should win the Black Horse Contest? (No administrator)

Number of voters: 82
a) [Atayemi] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [killarydaclown]

b) [Forever Equine] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 31 (38%) Voters: [Beki in Wonderland], [Stray Kitty], [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós], [XxTsomexX], [Lothuriel], [Artsieladie], [Silver Moon], [Kahri], [Shjahjdahdvwa], [Black Raven], [// Grace //.And..Bend], [Illona], [Orey], [Paul Doyle], [Shadow Girl056], [SamiiiNomNom], [Iseld], [professer sofa surfer], [.::dark_angel::.], [Twitchy*], [~The Dreamer Ilaes~], [aurodi], [Bulma], [Vou], [Blue Hawk], [Sirengirl], [pdiotte], [Gwendylyyn], [Nicki314], [eldona_1], [Silverina]

c) [Beki in Wonderland] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Estantia]

d) [Kahri] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

e) [Toffeejalapenos] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

f) [blu.nation] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 3 (4%) Voters: [I stabbith ye], [fen], [human_rhapsody]

g) [Kuramasgirl] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 3 (4%) Voters: [Zab], [ghettosissta], [Muerta]

h) [Zab] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 6 (7%) Voters: [Forever Equine], [Cia_mar], [Kuramasgirl], [This House is Deleted7], [*akuma*], [Maeve104]

i) [Lexi. Short and Sweet!] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

j) [Artsieladie] - <img0*50:©Nightstar-RedSunsetSGD1200_test.bmp.jpg>
Number of votes: 15 (18%) Voters: [shotokan_gal], [Lexi. Short and Sweet!], [Ikko], [dayah], [Dragonfeather], [toothrod], [bluefarie], [Artsie_ladie], [gruffybear], [Morningstar Rising], [Kelaria], [geirrekr], [Rasperel], [BlackDragon], [I have left]

k) [Yuriona] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 2 (2%) Voters: [Gwenn*], [BinaryPhoenix]

l) [dayah] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 6 (7%) Voters: [Atayemi], [Winchester143980], [12345Jo], [irezel], [Jitter], [anamtear]

m) [Kaelin] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Oron Wendi]

n) [inte här] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 7 (9%) Voters: [Yuriona], [moira hawthorne], [Fire-n-Ash], [Kyrinn], [Nylen Estrall], [Orouriel], [Vegeta1017]

o) [Dragonfeather] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [Eveilber]

p) [Eveilber] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 1 (1%) Voters: [PnkShpGnWld]

q) [moira hawthorne] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 4 (5%) Voters: [Vampyre Wolf], [Gabycat], [inte här], [*Phoenix*]

r) [Demon Epona] - <img0*50:>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

Welcome to the Black Horse Contest!

This is an art contest to see who can draw the best black equine. There will be first, second and third place winners based on poll results (when I figure out how to put the thing onto a wiki page!). The prizes will be badges that I've made. Participants may either use the participant badge I've made or display the wiki banner in their house to advertise this contest (I would greatly appreciate the advertising!).


The rules:

1. No stealing art! If I find out you've stolen an image and put it here not only will the image be removed, but you will also be banned from the contest and will be reported for theft. They don't take kindly to stealing here.

2. The theme is black horses. White markings on the horses are acceptable, but the horse should be mostly black.

3. All mediums are accepted: digital, pencil, ink, oil, watercolour, PrismaColor, whatever you like!

4. No photos, no photo manipulations.

5. Fantasy horses will be accepted with limitation. Unicorns, winged horses, or winged unicorns are fine, but nothing else.

6. Please make sure your images are clear in quality and not too fuzzy.

7. Each participant may submit two (2) entries.

8. Please seperate your entries with the <hr> tag and follow this format:

Name: [Dark Side of the Moon]
Title of work (if applicable): Name Of Drawing

9. No nudity of any kind.

10. Have fun!

Contest deadline is March 30th 2007! Good luck!

Submit entries below this line:

1. [Atayemi]
"Waiting for the sun to go down."

2. [Forever Equine]
a. "Silence" (the reference was a black horse)

b. "Looking Through"

3. [Beki in Wonderland]
a. "Phantom"

b. "Under the Blue Moon"

4. [Kahri]

5. [Toffeejalapenos]

6. [blu.nation]
Placeholder (:

7. [Kuramasgirl]
a. "The Dark Knight"

b. "The Morgan"

8. [Zab] ''Here I sit..." (OK..I probably perhaps won't change around more now..>_> Maybe..)

9. [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]
"The cross-hatch Horse"

10. [Artsieladie] - "Nightstar"
(Now with a better background.)

11. [Yuriona] - "Star light, Star bright"
Hope this is ok...

12. [dayah] - "Legends in the Mist"


13. [Kaelin]
"Charcoal Friesian"

14. [inte här]
"Edinburgh" A, by now passed away, horse that once was ridden by Kyra Kyrklund in the dressage elite. Drawn back in 2002

"Ceasar 1820" (If he is black enough! I'm not familiar with the English 'rusles' for what is a black horse.Otherwise, he'll be taken out of contest.) He is a North Swedish Horse, a stallion.

Night Dreams and Wings

"Night limits"

17. [moira hawthorne]
'Faded Dreams'

18. [Demon Epona]
'The Beast Divine'

I've no title for this one. It was a re-drawing of a horse that I did. I re-drew it because the horse next to it was white.

Username (or number or email):


2007-01-24 [Dark Side of the Moon]: peek-a-boo! <img:stuff/mood32-gif.gif>

2007-01-24 [Atayemi]: Oooh! This looks fun! :D

2007-01-24 [sequeena_rae]: I was just going to send you this link Atay xD

2007-01-24 [Atayemi]: Lmao! I'm watching mc. ;P

2007-01-24 [sequeena_rae]: So am I, coincidentally :P

A very nice contest [Dark Side of the Moon] I'll have to whore the link around :D

2007-01-24 [Atayemi]: xD How neighbourly of you, Squee! :P

2007-01-24 [sequeena_rae]: You know me XP

2007-01-24 [Atayemi]: XD

2007-01-24 [sequeena_rae]: Aww! Atay! Cute!

2007-01-24 [Atayemi]: Thanks, Squee! I had to get back into drawing again. :D

2007-01-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: Ooooh, an equine contest XD I'm always drawing horses.. i'll have to get drawing, i think :p Heylo Atay *waves*

2007-01-24 [Atayemi]: XD Hiya, Beki!

2007-01-24 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: *glompage* ace contest.. i might have to have a go.. although i doubt i could make anything decent but peh! it's the drawing that's fun!

2007-01-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: I'm having trouble with my entry XD what i'm aiming for and what i'm getting are two very different things -_-'

2007-01-24 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Whee! So far this is going better than I thought it would! Great entries so far guys! Thanks for passing the word on. [Lexi. Short and Sweet!], don't worry, you have lots of time!

2007-01-25 [Kahri]: This looks like fun!

2007-01-25 [Atayemi]: Your welcome! I'll have another shot too. :P

2007-01-26 [Beki in Wonderland]: entry number 2 ^___^ ..This contest has really got me into drawing horses again XD i haven't drawn them for ages!

2007-01-26 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Ooh, you should always draw horses! They're byoooooteeefulll!! <img:stuff/mood10_gif.gif>

2007-01-26 [Beki in Wonderland]: Indeed they are X3 I'll have to take my sketch pad up to the stables and doodle all the horses up there XD ..horses are love :p

2007-01-26 [Titanium Tiger]: ok ay Ill draw him then out it up here!! sorry I skiped a rule while reading!!

2007-01-27 [Kuramasgirl]: Love the contest idea :)

2007-01-28 [Titanium Tiger]: wow you guys are gunna smoke me out of the water!!and I havent even put it up yet!!^^well done guys!!

2007-01-28 [moira hawthorne]: shall I put up my horsey so you will feel better?

2007-01-29 [Titanium Tiger]: umm Ill still put up mine!! but.. I rhink you guys are better!!

2007-01-29 [Zab]: 9. No nudity of any kind.
May the horse be nude? x)

Sorry, couldn't help it..*goes off doodeling on a horse*

Is it allowed to only have a part of the horse as an entry? (ex. a drawing of the head)

2007-01-29 [Lothuriel]: My goodness [Forever Equine], your art never ceases to amaze!! Awesome work!!!

2007-01-29 [Dark Side of the Moon]: [Zab]! <img:stuff/mood10_gif.gif> Actually what I meant by "No nudity of any kind" would be things like naked ladies on the back of the horse and stuff like that. Just the head is fine as an entry so long as the horse is black!

2007-01-29 [Zab]: I guessed so:P
hehe, great..

2007-01-29 [Dark Side of the Moon]: :^D

2007-01-29 [Zab]: *hehe*

2007-01-29 [Forever Equine]: Thankies Loth! *glomps*

2007-01-29 [Forever Equine]: Nice [Zab].=)

2007-01-29 [Zab]: Thanks:P Yours too :P

2007-01-29 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: not amazingly good.. -_- i might see if i can do another entry before the deadline..

2007-01-29 [Forever Equine]: Naph, would you like any CC?

2007-01-30 [ayra~anne]: what about drawing a kelpie? can i do that?

2007-01-30 [Dark Side of the Moon]: As long as it looks like a black horse, I don't see the problem with drawing a kelpie. I just don't want anything like a horse/fish mix or a horse/lion mix or things like that. This is a contest about black horses not black fantasy horses but I make some minor exceptions as stated in the rules: 5. Fantasy horses will be accepted with limitation. Unicorns, winged horses, or winged unicorns are fine, but nothing else. Try to make it 90% black horse. <img:stuff/sm-gif.gif>

2007-01-30 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: CC? computer colouring?? or something else?? (sorry for being so thick.. i haven't had coffee today! xD talking of which! xD)

2007-01-30 [Dark Side of the Moon]: 3. All mediums are accepted: digital, pencil, ink, oil, watercolour, PrismaColor, whatever you like!

4. No photos, no photo manipulations.

Now go have some coffee! And because this ISN'T an official wiki I will spam myself: Coffee 101.

2007-01-30 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: lols i have the coffee.. but i still don't quite get Elvandia's question! .. ahh well thanks for the help Ir-Iddyn and points for a great contest!

2007-01-30 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Thank you! [Forever Equine] wants to know if you want any constructive criticisim (CC). :)

2007-01-30 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: ahh that explains alot.. meh sure it always helps! =D *grumbles about interent abbreviations which i haven't yet learnt the meaning of* xD yay for CC!

2007-01-30 [Forever Equine]: Sorry about that.:XD: I didn't mean to confuse you.

You've done the body nicely! The barrel is a good length and the hindquarters have a nice thickness to them. I think if taper the head, draw the muzzle a bit smaller, it will help make it a bit more proportional to the body. The legs are done quite nicely as well. They're generally the trouble spots.=) I hope that helped alittle.=) 

Everyone's doing so good!=D

2007-01-30 [Zab]: I think the proportions with the head are fine tho:P not all horses have a small, arabian-horse head..x) maybe the shape perhaps, a slightly smaller muzzle or/and a little broader cheeks..

Some more practising with shading (*cough* use a lot of referenses as I never do*cough* ;) and it'll be great:)

In my little opinion. :)

2007-01-30 [Forever Equine]: That's what I was meaning by tapering [Zab].;) The head just seems to be a bit size which gives the illusion of being longer.XD

2007-01-30 [Zab]: oh...use swedish! I havn't heard tapering before..XD

2007-01-30 [Forever Equine]: Lol! I don't know swedish.XD

2007-01-30 [Zab]: So? Doesn't stop you from speaking it, now does it? XD

2007-01-30 [Forever Equine]: Yeah it does, how can I speak something I don't know?:P

2007-01-30 [Zab]: Aaah! Stop messing with my head with your irrelevant questions! x)

2007-01-30 [Forever Equine]: Lol! Alrighty.=)

2007-01-30 [Zab]: *grins* :P

2007-01-30 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: lol thanks zab and elvandia point taken and i shall have a go at changing the shape of the head slightly, i know the shading isn't great but that was half the point i'm thinking of colouring over it on GIMP and putting up a coloured version too! =D I really appreciate the advice!

2007-01-30 [Atayemi]: Zab's helped me a lot in the past with horses, Alex! You'll learn a lot from her. :D
And you too, Elvandia! :P

2007-01-30 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: *nods* i know i cna tell from the difference between her uber pictures and my average-ish one! xD

2007-01-30 [Zab]: *lmao* Thanks both..XD
When things are hard, remember that not even I was as good as I am now, always..x) *sounds selfgood*

2007-01-30 [Atayemi]: XD Awww! She's older than you. :P

2007-01-30 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: yeah and she sets me a target to aim at (although i wouldn't be worried i doubt i can be as good as you are in 2 years!) thanks atay! *hugs*

2007-01-30 [Zab]: <img:44166_1164145221.gif>

2007-01-30 [Atayemi]: *hugs* Awww :D

2007-01-30 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: <img:44166_1164144907.gif>

2007-01-30 [Zab]: ^^

2007-01-30 [Forever Equine]: It's taken me tons of drawings to get where I am now. If you look through my deviant gallery, you can really tell the improvement!

2007-01-30 [Zab]: yep, I can:P

2007-01-30 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: i shall go look now.. and i hope that i've improved too.. but i have a feeling that the older stuff in my DA is better then the newer stuff! xD

2007-01-30 [Forever Equine]: Honestly, references have helped big time for me! Once I started doing commission work, working without a reference is much easier now.

I'll be sure to take a gander!=D

[Zab] are you on DA? I don't remember if i had asked that before.^^;

2007-01-30 [Zab]: I am..but,...I havn't uploaded anything

2007-01-30 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: yeah i do some drawing with references but at the moment most of my drawing time is spent on my GCSE coursework! xD and i mostly draw people so all the tips on animals are welcomed i have ALOT of improving to do!

2007-01-30 [Zab]: i have ALOT of improving to do!

Who hasn't? x)

2007-01-30 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: very true! =D

2007-01-30 [Forever Equine]: I sure need alot! Especially on people.XD Mine are fugly!

2007-01-30 [Dark Side of the Moon]: You never know about your drawing skills guys! For the longest time I only drew/shaded horses one way, couldn't draw a human face to save my life, and cloth? Forget that! But all of a sudden, one day *click!* it all made sense! Find an artist on DA or Elfwood that you really admire and keep looking at their work...a lot. You might very suddenly understand how things are drawn that you couldn't quite understand before. I did that very thing and it worked. Suddenly I could draw fabric, shine up my horses, and people are getting easier. :)

2007-01-31 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: It also helps to spend most of your time with a girl who can draw very well and doesn't mind giving you tips!! *coughjujucough* xD If it wasn't for her i would only be able to draw stick figures! Thats a great tip Ir-Iddyn!!

2007-01-31 [Zab]: Yah, I still look a lot at others art... noses for example..they are evil..>_> and I keep forgetting how to draw them even after Ive made a few good ones... *thanksgodessforartistswhocandrawnoses* XD

2007-01-31 [Atayemi]: Awww Zab! XD I can't draw humans to save my life. I prefer animals. :P

2007-01-31 [Zab]: *grins* :P

2007-01-31 [Atayemi]: XD

2007-01-31 [moira hawthorne]: lovely Artsie! <img:stuff/%20sm%20cut%20out%20heart.png><img:stuff/aodh%20chibi%20cat.png>

2007-01-31 [Artsieladie]: Thanks, Moira! :D I'm still looking at it for "fix-its". I need to work on the neck more. :P

2007-01-31 [Forever Equine]: It is very nicely done.=) *nods*

2007-01-31 [Artsieladie]: Thanks! I have to pick it apart, though. It definitely needs work on the neck, though, the lines of. :P Can anyone tell that I love long & full manes & tails? Arabians?  he he 

2007-01-31 [Yuriona]: *sneaks in and looks around*

2007-02-01 [Kuramasgirl]: Eeek!! Zab!!! *glomps* X3 I knew it was only a matter of time before you noticed this contest :3

2007-02-01 [Zab]: *grins* I've known it for a while..but I don't have any great entry.. ><

2007-02-01 [Kuramasgirl]: It's a perfectly fine entry!! I don't know why you wouldn't think so Oo You get better at muzzles every time you do it, I sware...I wanted to touch that one XD

2007-02-01 [Artsieladie]: *pokes Yuri* Boo! I see you! *laughs* Soooo, are we thinking about entering? :D

2007-02-01 [Yuriona]: EEEK!! *jumps* Yah, maybe. We're moving at the end of February so I'll do my best. ^_^

2007-02-01 [Artsieladie]: *giggles* Good! *smiles*

2007-02-01 [Kahri]: Can anyone give me some ideas about backgrounds, mine is kinda !!BLANK!!

2007-02-01 [moira hawthorne]: grass and a fence or grass and trees

2007-02-01 [Yuriona]: Sand dunes for an arabian, canyons for a mustang? Grassy meadows are good though. ;)

2007-02-01 [Artsieladie]: *laughs* *looks at my background* Hmmm....So is mine! Actually, I'd like to enter mine as a png ---> transparent background. :) I always like a natural background, too. :)

2007-02-01 [Kahri]: Well at least yours has some colour to it. I'll try some of those ideas but I can never get the background to work or look right. The subject I put so much detail into most of the time that I end up burning out by the time I need to do the background.

2007-02-01 [Artsieladie]: Yeah, blue. I like blue. :) I find, if you have a particular subject, like a black horse in this case, it's best to keep the background basic or not too elaborate for you want the focus to be on the horse. If your background is too elaborate, it will take away from the main focal point of your art. :P 

2007-02-01 [Kahri]: Yeah, good point, but I should probably put a little bit of colour to it because it looks like my horse is just sort of in the middle of nothingness. Maybe I'll tint it or something.

2007-02-01 [Artsieladie]: *nods*. I like to put, at least some grass or ground under the feet. :)

2007-02-01 [Dark Side of the Moon]: For those of you that have submitted two entries, I've placed them together under your name. <img:stuff/shadN-gif.gif>

2007-02-06 [Dark Side of the Moon]: <img:44166_1164145087.gif> oh no! Is my contest dying??? *cringes*

2007-02-06 [BinaryPhoenix]: Nah, it couldn't be! It's too young too die! ^_^

2007-02-06 [Yuriona]: Hope my entry is ok. ^_^

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: im gonna try... but im not good at drawing horses >.<

2007-02-06 [Dark Side of the Moon]: I dunno [BinaryPhoenix], this is the first contest I've ever hosted so maybe I'm just paranoid. <img:stuff/mood14-gif.gif>

Yep [Yuriona] yours is fine! <img:stuff/mood33-gif.gif>

2007-02-06 [Yuriona]: Squee! <img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

2007-02-06 [Dark Side of the Moon]: <img:stuff/shadN-gif.gif> squee!

2007-02-06 [XxTsomexX]: *le sigh*

2007-02-07 [Kahri]: Your contest is doing fine [Dark Side of the Moon], my first contest only had about 5 entries.

2007-02-07 [Artsieladie]: Nice pic', Yuri! I love it! *grins*

2007-02-07 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Uh oh [XxTsomexX], whatcha sighing about?

2007-02-07 [XxTsomexX]: read my diary, youll see why i'm sighing...

2007-02-08 [dayah]: is it alright if there is a person in the picture with the horse?

2007-02-08 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Oh yes, people are fine to have in the pic. Thus the "No nudity" rule! <img:44166_1164144892.gif>

2007-02-08 [Lothuriel]: But the horses are nekkid...<img:stuff/sa-gif.gif>

2007-02-08 [Atayemi]: They have coats. <img:44166_1164557415.gif>

2007-02-08 [Lothuriel]: they?

2007-02-08 [Atayemi]: Furry coats. :P

2007-02-08 [dayah]: yeah thought so...though that would be funny to see a naked horse...poor

2007-02-08 [Lothuriel]: LOL...yes, indeed it would.

2007-02-08 [dayah]: there it be...theres my black unicorn...hope this is alright.

2007-02-08 [Lothuriel]: Gourgeous!! I love that pic!!

2007-02-08 [Forever Equine]: nice :) Digital Daya?

2007-02-08 [dayah]: awe..thanks loth.. not completely happy with the background but I will live with it...and yes it is digital.

2007-02-08 [Forever Equine]: It looks almost watercolor!

2007-02-08 [dayah]: yeah I know, a few of those I do people have said that.

2007-02-08 [Atayemi]: Aw that's beautiful! It really does look like mist, too. Bravo! :P

2007-02-08 [dayah]: oh I am so glad you said that...I was worried it didn't look misty like...yay! :D

2007-02-08 [XxTsomexX]: it looks cool

2007-02-08 [moira hawthorne]: that so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettt! dayah!

2007-02-09 [dayah]: thanks...glad you like it...

2007-02-09 [Artsieladie]: Oooh! Nice, [dayah]! I'm still tossing around some background ideas for mine. I've been busy making graphics for Valentine's Day. They're in my graphics section for Elftown, if anyone wants to decorate for the "day of love". <img:stuff/CandyHeartLovePink50.png><img:stuff/mood10_gif.gif>

2007-02-09 [dayah]: thanks artsie lady...yeah i hate trying to figure out backgrounds..took me a while to figure this one out.

2007-02-09 [Artsieladie]: I would say it was time well spent for the whole picture works so well together. :D

2007-02-13 [Zab]: My second one is black..the red is just highlights/shiny stuff from the background... x)

2007-02-13 [Lothuriel]: GAH!!! My horse keeps looking more like My Little Pony in armor than a real horse! I am trying to make him look mean but, *tears up paper and starts all over* THis is the hardest thing I have ever tried!!!

2007-02-13 [Beki in Wonderland]: Wowz, it's really good *stares* O___O The red looks great :p

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